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Hack A Talk

'Hack-A-Talk' was an engaging talk session featuring two esteemed speakers renowned for their numerous hackathon victories and deep expertise in the field. During this session, they shared invaluable insights into the world of hackathons, covering topics such as their benefits, the different phases involved, and essential strategies for effective preparation

11th Sept, 2023

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Pixel to Reality

'Pixel to Reality' was a two-day offline workshop that provided students with a hands-on opportunity to dive into the world of game development using SparkAR.

24th & 25th Aug, 2023

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The symposium was the signing-off event of ISTE-VESIT, celebrated as a token of gratitude for our members and a celebration of the hardworking council. The theme of the event was 'Saga of Unicorns' and was sponsored by McDonald's and Mad Over Donuts, with amazing goodies and prizes for our esteemed members.

10th April, 2023

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Article Writing

Article Writing is a great event to showcase your research and knowledge as well as your writing skills. The entries are invited for 2 topics- that are Technical and Socio-Political generally. There are Cash Prizes for the Winner in each category.

5th April, 2023

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Webinar on Study Abroad

The webinar demonstrated the benefits and opportunities of studying abroad. Students discovered the various options available, how to apply, and tips for a successful career.

12th Mar, 2023

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Caribbean Escapade

A fun event held as one of the post-praxis events. This event was a thrilling blend of the concept of 'Pirates of the Caribbean' and some exciting games.

6th Mar, 2023

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Dalal Street

Dalal Street is an annual event at college where real-time stock market news is broadcast and bids are placed, with half the amphitheater filled with enthusiastic participants and cash prizes for winners. It is organized by the ISTE council and replicates the Bombay Stock Exchange.

4th Mar, 2023

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Trading Workshop

The trading workshop was An online workshop held as our pre-praxis event. This workshop provided detailed knowledge and insights into the stock market for the trading enthusiasts out there.

2nd Mar, 2023

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Campus2Corporate provided valuable insights and tips to students on how to prepare for job interviews and secure employment. The workshop featured placed students who shared their knowledge and experiences, and also provided opportunities for networking and mock interviews.

22nd to 25th Feb, 2023

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A 24-hour long hackathon conducted annually in collaboration with Quest-IT Cell. The hackathon is made, keeping the procedure of Code for Good hackathon, conducted by JPMC. There are 2 pools for SEs and rest of the students. The winners and the runners-up are rewarded with exciting cash prizes.

4th & 5th Feb, 2023

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Twitter Clone

Twitter Clone Workshop is a hands-on event that teaches participants how to create their own version of the popular social media platform. The workshop covers topics such as ReactJs, Tailwind CSS, SPA, Components and props.

19th Dec, 2022

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Figma Workshop

Figma workshop is a hands-on training session that teaches participants how to use Figma, a collaborative design tool for creating and editing web and mobile designs. The workshop covers basic and advanced features, such as prototyping and design systems.

12th Dec, 2022

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Chronicles of the Dead

ISTE-VESIT hosted an event called The Chronicles of the Dead on 29th September 2022, where teams solved a criminal case through 3 rounds to find the criminal. With 63 team registrations and 120+ participants, it was a successful and stimulating event.

29th Sept, 2022

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Gitway to Opensource

This workshop focuses on what is version control, introduction to Git and GitHub, how to manage your projects with version control and most importantly what are Open Source Contributions.

24th Aug, 2022

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AR Workshop

The AR workshop is an interactive session where attendees will learn about the AR/VR and its applications. They will also have the opportunity to create their own AR experiences using Unity. The workshop aims to educate and inspire participants to explore new possibilities with AR.

3rd Aug, 2022

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